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Blog Post One: Nov 28, 2023

Today I joined a women's Christian group to make friends, and the third commenter said "pretty pictures won't get you to heaven!" which I agree with, so I said "amen! just used pictures that I thought were pretty to make a good impression in my introduction." Then she said I didn't, that I looked sensual/sexual. I felt really bad; she was an older woman (40s, her age matters because why did you have to say anything like that to someone?), and she talked to another believer like that?! I keep crying over it. I prayed for her and myself, but I am just so sad. I just wore a tight shirt, and then a dress with cleavage but not an insane amount. I feel so dirty and gross.

My reply was "Jesus sat with sinners, didn't sin with them. You can be in this group with me, not dress like me, and not judge me. If God had a problem with how I do x, he would make it known." I had support, but I just deleted the post and left. Who cares. I don't feel connected to other Christians, and I wish I was.

Jesus had issues with religious people and stuff so I know its not them all. its not anything specific. i'm so full of grief. i was wishing i wasn't different, now I wish everyone was kinder.